J.K. ROWLING TO REPLACE ‘MUGGLES’ with ‘Non-Wizardly Individuals’

written by ChatGPT

In a move that has left fans scratching their heads, Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling has announced that she will be rewriting her entire series to replace the term “Muggle” with the phrase “Non-Wizardly Individual.” The reason? She claims she’s already offended so many people in the past few years with her controversial statements, and wants to avoid any further backlash.

“I just can’t seem to get it right,” said Rowling in a statement. “So I figured, why not just remove any potentially offensive language from my books altogether?”

Fans of the series have expressed disappointment at the news, with many feeling that the change is unnecessary and pandering. “It’s just ridiculous,” said one fan. “If she’s going to change everything that offends someone, she might as well just stop writing altogether.”

Critics have also accused Rowling of caving to the politically correct crowd and ruining the magic of the series in the process. “It’s just a sad day for literature,” said one commentator. “The whole point of the series is to escape reality and embrace our differences, and now she’s trying to sanitize it.”

Only time will tell whether Rowling’s decision will be a hit or a miss with fans, but one thing is for sure: the world of Harry Potter will never be the same again.

Razzle Dangerously - Comedian/Movie Lover
Razzle Dangerously - Comedian/Movie Lover

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